Goal Make a simple website to start and stop a Handy using the Javascript Handy SDK (https://sweettech.notion.site/Handy-SDK-9521165a0d2749dca8a1ee17bcf206fb)
Completion time 20min
Skills needed HTML+Javascript skills



In this tutorial, we will be using the mode Handy Alternate Motion Protocol (HAMP). A mode where the Handy move up and down with a given velocity within the set Stroke zone. We will be utilizing the power of the Handy SDK.

Advantages of using the Handy SDK

<aside> 💡 We are not focusing on edge cases and error handling in this tutorial.


What will we make

A simple app that makes it possible to manipulate the movement of the connected device. We will also store and retrieve the Connection Key to make things simpler for returning users. In addition, we will create some logic to handle the connected state. The result will look like this (”not connected” and “connected state):

Not connected

Not connected

Connected state

Connected state

Initialize the project

Create the project

Create a folder and navigate into the folder (and open vscode with code .):

mkdir remote-ctrl-app
cd remote-ctrl-app
code .

Create a file index.html in the folder

Make the website